Leetcode:Sort Colors


It is a very old leetcode problem. Because I want to find out which problem in the leetcode is  unfinished yesterday, I reuploaded all my code to leetcode. Then I    found out that I have not finished this problem.

This problem requires only one pass.

The main idea of the solution is to guess that there is a sequence of “111111”in the array. Assume the head location of the sequence is firstOne, the rear of the sequence is lastOne. We need put all the “0” before the firstOne, and put all the “2” after the lastOne.

We first guess all the element s in the array is 1. The we check the location one by one.

when the checked element is zero,

(1) check location larger than firstOne.

This means that there must be an 1111 sequence before. We can swap the element the firstOne points to with the element now check(which is 0). It means we insert the 0 element before the firstOne. And the firstOne plus one.(Because the header of sequence 111111 is move behind for one location.)

(2) check location equal to firstOne.

This means that the header of “111111” we guess is not correct. The header of “111111”is zero, so we need to guess the location behind this header and check this location. (nowCheck++ and firstOne++)

(3) check location before firstOne.

Impossible, because we only move firstOne backwards after we check the location. Thus, firstOne must smaller than the  check location or equal as the check location.

when the checked element is 1,

just need to check the location behind. (The main idea of the solution is put all “0” before the guess sequence “1111”, put “2” after the guessing sequence.)

when the checked element is 2,

we need to swap this element with the last One of guessing sequence “1111”. lastOne location minus one. (Because we put an “2” behind the guessing sequence”111111″ )

class Solution {
 void sortColors(int A[], int n) {
 // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
 // DO NOT write int main() function
 int nowCheck=0;
 int firstOne=0;//初期假设整条序列都是1,那么第一个就是位置0,最后一个就是位置n-1
 int lastOne=n-1;
 if (A[nowCheck]==0)
 if (nowCheck>firstOne)
 else if (nowCheck==firstOne)
 else if (A[nowCheck]==1)
 else if (A[nowCheck]==2)


Test Result:

small data:
small test

large data:
Large test