Leetcode:Multiply Strings

Multiply String


The solution to this problem is just  engineering, not high demand for algorithm. It is just simulation the multiply process.

In the code, oneRow is a vector which is the result of each row (calculated by one bit of num2(right to left) *num1(of course, it must calculate from right to left,too))

rows is a collection of all the oneRow.Here, for the convenience of calculation, we reserve one bit of carry for each oneRow.For example, 99*9, oneRow will be 891.

If 11*9, oneRow will be 099.(0 will be keep)

rowsAddUp is the final result after add up all the rows(rows will move a bit left one by one when calculating.) We can reserve enough space for the result(

rows[0].size()+rows.size()-1 is the largest space the result need) and initialize all the room for 0.Then, we can add all the oneRow to the rowsAddUp.

If we use this method to multiply two numbers, the result may have some 0 before it.For example, 11*9,oneRow will be 099,rowsAddUp will be 099,we need to get rid of all the zero before a non-zero number appearance.However,if we found all the number in rowsAddUp is zero ,it means the total result is 0. That’s what we need to consider in the code.

class Solution {


string multiply(string num1, string num2) {

// Start tyjing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

vector<vector<int> > rows;

for (int i=num2.length()-1; i>=0; i--)


vector<int> OneRow(num1.length()+1,0);//初始化需要预留比num1多1的空间,以防进位

for (int j=num1.length()-1; j>=0; j--)


int bitCal=OneRow[j+1]+(num1[j]-'0')*(num2[i]-'0');//第0位预留给最左边的进位

if (bitCal>=10)












vector<int> rowsAddUp(rows[0].size()+rows.size()-1,0);//最终模板的长度是每一行的长度+行数-1(这里由于每一行都预留了一个空间给进位,所以每一行的长度都是相当于num1.length()+1,如果最左边没有进位,这一行就会有类似0224这样的情况出现),初始化为0

int base=0;//统计竖加法时候当前行需要往左挪多少


for (int i=0; i<rows.size(); i++)


for (int j=rows[0].size()-1; j>=0; j--)




if (rowsAddUp[rowsAddUp.size()-1-base-(rows[0].size()-1-j)]>=10)









int nonZeroBegin=-1;//记录最后结果的非0位置

for (int i=0; i<rowsAddUp.size(); i++)


if (rowsAddUp[i]!=0)






if (nonZeroBegin==-1) return "0";//如果nonZeroBegin的数值没有改变,说明结果全部都是0,返回一个0

string resultString="";

for (int i=nonZeroBegin; i<rowsAddUp.size(); i++)




return resultString;



Leetcode:Wildcard Matching

Wildcard Matching

First, we try to use recursive solution to solve this problem.

We face different condition of pattern character to use different strategy.

(1) ‘?’ :if the pointerS (index which use to pointer to the string) has larger than last one (point to ”) return false(which means that  pattern needs one character to match while string has no character to match) . If not, return matchProcess(s,pointerS+1,p,pointerP+1);(return the result of next comparison,pointerS and pointerP points to their next one)

(2)’*’ : we try to represent the ‘*’ from empty string to all the string left, which means we will try the string left after ‘*”s represent, if they are match, then the string including ‘*’ is match. We will try one by one (‘*’ represent empty string to all the string left(after the pointerS)).If all the possibility have been tried, we can assert that string is not match(return false)

(3)check two character(pattern’s char is not ‘?’or ‘*’) .If not match,return false.If these two character are matched,return the result of pointer moving to next one.(pointerS+1,pointerP+1)

class Solution



bool matchProcess(string s,int pointerS,string p,int pointerP)


if (pointerP==p.length())//如果pattern串已经扫描完了,就需要检查string串是否也扫描完了。如果string 串没有扫描完,意味着return false。


if (pointerS==s.length()) return true;//

else return false;


char chS=s[pointerS];

char chP=p[pointerP];

if (chP=='?')


if (pointerS==s.length()) return false;//如果pattern串要求一个single字符,但是string串已经扫描完了,意味着不匹配。

return matchProcess(s,pointerS+1,p,pointerP+1);//检查后面串的匹配情况,这个单一字符已经匹配了。


else if (chP=='*')


for (int i=pointerS; i<=s.length(); i++)//因为*可以匹配空串,所以从pointerS开始后数,因为可能整个string串都匹配这个*号,所以枚举的上限是s.length()就是string串已经遍历完了。


if (matchProcess(s,i,p,pointerP+1)) return true;//如果后面的可以匹配,返回true.


return false;//如果所有结果都遍历了还是没有合适的就返回false


else if (chS!=chP)


return false;


else return matchProcess(s,pointerS+1,p,pointerP+1);//匹配了单一字符,比如说string串的字符是a,pattern串的字符也是a,两者相等,指针往后挪一位再比较



bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

string dealString(s);

string dealPattern(p);

return matchProcess(dealString,0,dealPattern,0);



The recursive solution is easy to understand, it can pass the small data test, but fail in the large data test. After I searched on the Internet, I found a solution to it.
The main idea of this solution is to jump of the ‘*’, and compare the substring between them. For example, if the string is “dbabc” and the pattern is “*abc*”. We will jump off the first ‘*’ and compare the substring of pattern(“abc”) with the string of “dbabc”.If we find a dismatch(because the character will compare one by one) we can assume that ‘*’ represent more characters and try again.

Because the last one of the pattern is ”(Of course, it will not count on the matching.) and the last one of the string is also ”.If the pointer of string move to ”,it mean that we have a chance to find a match one, because if the string is not match the front part of the pattern (it will return false immediately.For example, find a mismatch characters, the pointer of string points to ‘b’ but the pointer of pattern points to ‘a’ and there are not ‘*’ happen before.) After the pointer of string points to ”(means equal to the length of string), we still need to check if the rest part of pattern are all ‘*’.If the rest part of the pattern are not all ‘*’, it means that empty string could not represent the rest part of pattern, it means that the string is not match.
(1) ‘?’ pointerS and pointerP moving to next.(Here,we do need to worry about whether the pointerP will point to some place after ”,because pointerP only add 1 if the character pointerS point to is equal to pointerP point to or pointerP points to ‘?’.Both of possibility will not happen. Because the ending condition of loop is pointerS points to ”.)

(2) ‘*’ mark down the pointerS.(It is the first one that could match the substring after’*’ in the pattern.) mark down the place which just after ‘*'(It may have a few ‘*’ occur,thus we need to jump off all the ‘*’.)PointerP equals this one (This one is the one need to compare.) If pointerP equals the last one, it can just return true(all the character left can use ‘*’ to represent.)
(3) find a mismatch(not ‘*’ or ‘?’), we can check if there is ‘*’ before.If there is a ‘*’ before, we could move pointerS to the next one of the place mark down.(means that ‘*’ represent a more bit.)PointerP move to the mark down one.(The character in pattern need to be check.(after the last ‘*’)).If there is not a ‘*’ happen before, just return false(A mismatch.)
(4) match, pointerS++,pointerP++
After the loop, we need to check the left part of the pattern. If there are not all ‘*’, it means that empty string in string can not represent the left part of pattern.

class Solution {


bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

string dealString(s);//转成字符串,方便处理

string dealPattern(p);

bool hasStar=false;//判断之前有没有星号的

int pointerS=0;//指向string的指针

int pointerP=0;//指向pattern的指针

int lastStarComparePointerS;//记录string匹配星号之后的第一个字符的指针

int lastStarComparePointerP;//记录pattern上后面第一个非星号的字符的指针

while (pointerS<dealString.length())//pointerS小于string的长度


char chS=dealString[pointerS];//拿指向对应的字符,注意这里可以拿到全0(字符串结束符号)

char chP=dealPattern[pointerP];

if (chP=='?')






else if (chP=='*')





while (dealPattern[lastStarComparePointerP]=='*')




if (lastStarComparePointerP==dealPattern.length()) return true;



else if (chS!=chP)


if (!hasStar) return false;//查看前面是否有*号,如果没有*号,返回false













while (dealPattern[pointerP]=='*' )




if (pointerP==dealPattern.length()) return true;

else return false;

