Leetcode:Pow(x, n)

Pow(x, n)

A very easy problem, first I try to use just one loop for n-1, multiply x each time(consider the negative number in different situation ). This solution pass the small data, but fail the large data. Thus, we try to use a smart method, we use binary divide n to get the x^n.We can use recursion to simplify the code.

class Solution



double base;

double powIndeed(long long n)


if (n==0) return 1;

if (n==1) return base;

double nDivideTwo=powIndeed(n/2);

double nModTwo=powIndeed(n%2);

return (nDivideTwo*nDivideTwo*nModTwo);



double pow(double x, int n) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

if (n>=0) base=x;

else base=1/x;

if (n<0) return powIndeed(-(long long)n);

else return powIndeed((long long)n);



There will be -2147483648 in large data test. If you just use -n instead of -(long long)n, it will overflow.(labs in math library has the same result).At first, I got puzzle when the OJ indicated the code has runtime error.(I thought something wrong with the type transformation in my code.Actually, it should be over time limit,because labs(-2147483648) will return -2147483648)

Leetcode:N-Queens I and II



The solution to this problem  is backtracking. Notice, we can use an array to represent the trial result(because every row must has and only has one queen.Each cell in the array represent the choice of each row.When we found a solution to putting queens, we can transform the array from one dimension to two dimension(“…..Q…”).) Most important, we could use


to judge if the new putting location is suitable for diagonal(the queens it put before). Here, i means the row it put before,queenStatus[i] means the place it put on in that row. putQueenI and putQueenJ are the new putting location.





class Solution



vector<vector<string> >result;


vector<string> transformToMatrix(vector<int> queenStatus,int n)


vector<string> matrix(n,string(n,'.'));

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)




return matrix;



bool check(vector<int> &queenStatus,int putQueenI,int putQueenJ,int n)


for (int i=0; i<putQueenI; i++)


if (queenStatus[i]==putQueenJ) return false; //检查纵向

if (abs(i-putQueenI)==abs(queenStatus[i]-putQueenJ)) return false;//检查斜线


return true;



void putQueen(int index,vector<int> &queenStatus,int n)


if (index>=n)





for (int j=0; j<n; j++)


if (check(queenStatus,index,j,n))









vector<vector<string> > solveNQueens(int n) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function


vector<int> queenStatus(n,-1);


return result;



Actually, we can use the same solution of N-Queens to solve this problem.Instead of recording all the solution of putting queens, we just add 1 to a counter when we found a solution of putting queens on the chessboard.

class Solution {


int result;


bool check(vector<int> &queenStatus,int putQueenI,int putQueenJ,int n)


for (int i=0; i<putQueenI; i++)


if (queenStatus[i]==putQueenJ) return false; //检查纵向

if (abs(i-putQueenI)==abs(queenStatus[i]-putQueenJ)) return false;//检查斜线


return true;



void putQueen(int index,vector<int> &queenStatus,int n)


if (index>=n)





for (int j=0; j<n; j++)


if (check(queenStatus,index,j,n))









int totalNQueens(int n) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function


vector<int> queenStatus(n,-1);


return result;



The performance of this method is very low.(The large data Test)
Then I find another solution on the Internet which is much more faster. The main idea of the second solution is that we mark down the location which could not put queens on in the next row,which means that when we put the queen on that row, we do not need to check the row before to see if there is a queen can eat this queen. And we can use the bit operation to make it faster.(Obviously, this method can also be use to solve N-Queen problem.But in here, I just gave the source code to solve N-QueensII problem)

class Solution {


long upperlimit;

long sum;

void compute(long row,long ld,long rd)


if (row!=upperlimit)


long pos=upperlimit & ~(row | ld | rd);

while (pos!=0)


long p=pos & -pos;


compute(row + p, (ld + p)<< 1, (rd + p)>> 1);









int totalNQueens(int n) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function





return sum;



row is the variant indicate the vertical occupation, ld is the left diagonal occupation, rd is the right diagonal occupation.
upperlimit is indicate the final status, for example 1111 (4*4 matrix, four queens) ,111 (3*3 matrix, 3 queens)
row and ld and rd
row | ld | rd are the occupation in that row.(vertical, left diagonal line and right diagonal line) ~(row | ld | rd) represent the position which can put queens (i.e 10011 means position 1, 4, 5 can put queens).Because the length of type long may be larger than the numbers of rows in the chessboard.(The type long may have more than 10 bits, while the chessboard may be only 5*5)Thus, we need to upperlimit & ~(row | ld | rd) which limit the 1 will only at chessboard’s length position(i.e, the result of ~(row | ld | rd) may be 101111…..0101, if the length of the chessboard is 4, only the last four bits is useful. Thus, we need to do this operation)。
while (pos!=0) if the value of pos is 0, it means no position on that row can the queen be put on.
pos & -pos means get the rightest 1.(-pos equals ~pos+1,you can read the related material about the bit operation)
pos=pos-p means that we put the rightest 1 to 0.(Thus, when in the next loop, the code will find the next rightest 1)
row+p means put the related bit from 0 to 1.
(ld + p)<< 1 left diagonal line must shift 1 for the next row.(Because it is diagonal line, the next one will shift 1,you can draw a matrix, it is easy to figure it out )
(rd + p)>> 1 right diagonal line must shift 1 for the next row(The same reason above.)
if (row!=upperlimit) means that every vertical line has a queen.(Because the variant only consider the vertical conflict(no diagonal),which means that every row has a queen. It means it has found a successful solution.)
The rest part is just backtracking which is the same as the solution to problem before.
Performance QueensII
The running time is heavily reduced, which indicates high efficiency of the method.



It is a very simple problem. We can use the bisection method to solve it.Here,we should pay attention to the overflow problem of the two numbers’ addition.In the code, calculate the mid point value should use long long type or it will cause a overflow problem.

class Solution {


int sqrt(int x) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

int start=0,end=x;

while (start<=end)


long long mid=(start+end)/2;

if (mid*mid==x)


return mid;


else if (mid*mid<x)









return (start+end)/2;



When I search on the internet, I found there is another faster solution which is called “Newton’s method”.


If we use the Newton’s method to solve this problem, we need to construct the function first.

Assume,f(y)=y^2-x (x is the number we need to sqrt),then the problem will transform to find the root of f(y)=0.

f'(y)=2*y (derivation)


y(n+1)=y(n)-(y(n)^2-x)/(2*y(n)) (According to the wikipedia)

Then we need to find the termination condition. abs(y(n)^2-x)<=0.1 (When we found the target is close enough, we shut down the iteration)

class Solution {


int sqrt(int x) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

double y=x;

while (abs(y*y-x)>=0.1)




return floor(y);



Leetcode:Edit Distance

Edit Distance

At first, I think I can get a very simple solution. However, I found the problem has so many corner case. I could not figure it out. Thus, I found a solution on the Internet.The main idea of the solution is dynamic programming.

For example, we want to transform str1 to str2.(By insert, replace or delete)

sstr1(i) is the substring of str1,sstr1(0)is empty string.0<=i<=str1.size().sstr(str1.size()) is str1 itself.

sstr2(j) is the substring of str2,has the same regulation above.

distance(i,j) means that the steps to transfer substring of str1(0 to i) to substring of str2 (0 to j).

At first,d(0,t),0<=t<=str2.size() is t itself.(Obviously, the number of steps from empty string to substring of str2(0 to t) is t (t insertion))

d(k,0),0<=k<=str1.size() is k itself for the same reason.

When we count distance[i][j], we should consider the two situation.

1. The last char of the substring of str1 is equal to the last char of the substring of str2.

It is simple, just equals to distance[i-1][j-1]. Because  for example, sampleString1C is the string1 now, sampleString2C  is the string2.

because their last char is c, which is equal. Thus, the number of steps transform from sampleString1C to sampleString2C is determined by the number of steps from sampleString1 to sampleString2.

2.The last char of the substring of str1 is not equal to the last char of the substring of str2.



For example, sampleString1C and sampleString2D. If we use replace to transform from sampleString1C to sampleString2D.

distance[i-1][j-1] is the number of steps for sampleString1 to sampleString2. (plus 1 is C to D)



For example sampleString1C and sampleString2D.First, sampleString1C transform to sampleString2(distance[i][j-1]), then add D at the rear of the string.



For example sampleString1C use one step to sampleString1 and use distance[i-1][j] to transform to sampleString2D.

From the three,choose the minimum one.

Thus, the minimun distance will be at distance[word1.size()][word2.size()].

class Solution {


int minDistance(string word1, string word2) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

vector<vector<int> > distance(word1.length()+1,vector<int> (word2.length()+1,0));

for (int i=0; i<=word1.length(); i++)




for (int j=0; j<=word2.length(); j++)




for (int i=1; i<=word1.length(); i++)


for (int j=1; j<=word2.length(); j++)


if (word1[i-1]==word2[j-1])






int replace=distance[i-1][j-1]+1;

int add=distance[i][j-1]+1;

int del=distance[i-1][j]+1;





return distance[word1.length()][word2.length()];




Leetcode:Maximal Rectangle

Maximal Rectangle

This problem can easily transforme to the Leetcode:Largest Rectangle in Histogram.We can search the matrix row by row.We consider the continuous 1 as a histogram. Then the largest rectangle of the continues histogram is the maximal rectangle.





struct intervalInfo


int beginIndex;

int endIndex;



class Solution {


int maximalRectangle(vector<vector<char> > &matrix) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

if (matrix.size()==0) return 0;


vector<int> Height(matrix[0].size(),0);

queue<intervalInfo> layerInterval;//储存每一个分段到这个队列里面

int maxArea=0;

for (int i=0; i<matrix.size(); i++)


int beginIndex=-1,endIndex=-1;


for (int j=0; j<matrix[0].size(); j++)


if (matrix[i][j]=='1')



if (beginIndex==-1) beginIndex=j;


if (j==(matrix[0].size()-1))//有可能还没有遇到0,就已经到当前层的尾部了



intervalInfo tempInfo;








if (beginIndex!=-1)


intervalInfo tempInfo;











while (layerInterval.size()!=0)


int nowBegin=layerInterval.front().beginIndex;

int nowEnd=layerInterval.front().endIndex;


int increaseStart=nowBegin;//就是标定单调递增高度序列的起始点,这里的具体算法需要看直方图的那个程序

while (increaseStart<=nowEnd)


int increaseEnd=nowEnd;

for (int k=increaseStart+1; k<=nowEnd; k++)


if (Height[k]<Height[k-1])






int minHeight=INT_MAX;

for (int k=increaseEnd; k>=nowBegin; k--)









return maxArea;



Another solution is what we called “Vertical lines”.One side of the vertical lines may be the boundary of the matrix or a 0. Here, we uses three array to complete this. One array is the height of the each lines above the given row.One array is used to determine the left expand of each line.One array is used to determine the right expand of each line.Here,”expand” means that the line can move left or right.(For example, if the line can expand to the left for one, which means that the length of the left vertical line must be larger than the given one or equal to the given one.) In the code, we use to array to store the left most index of the expand rectangle of a vertical line.Another array to store the right most index of the expand rectangle.(The right most index minus the left most index plus one is the length of the rectangle, multiplied by the height of the vertical line is the area of the rectangle expand by a vertical line.) The largest rectangle among all the expand rectangle is the maximal rectangle of the matrix.
Here,we use recurrence to simplify the implement.Obviously, the height of the vertical line(histogram in the last solution) is influent by the height of last row. The left most index should be larger one of last row and this left most index of this row.(The expand distance is determined by the largest expand distance of the same vertical line above last row and the distance of this row.) For the same reason, right most index is the min value of last row’s and this row.After we scan all the cell of the matrix, we found all the vertical lines and their expand rectangle, then we get the maximal rectangle.






class Solution {


int maximalRectangle(vector<vector<char> > &matrix) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function


if (matrix.size()==0) return 0;

vector<int> Height(matrix[0].size(),0);//掌管上一层的悬线高度,一开始肯定设置为0

vector<int> Left(matrix[0].size(),0);//掌管上一层的左边界,一开始肯定设置为0

vector<int> Right(matrix[0].size(),matrix[0].size()-1);//掌管上一层的右边界,一开始设置为matrix[0].size()-1,因为设置右边界一开始肯定是矩阵的最右端

int maxResult=0;

for (int i=0; i<matrix.size(); i++)



int left=0,right=matrix[0].size()-1;//当前有可能满足点为1条件的坐标,当然初始化有可能的点为坐标0,右边有可能的点为坐标matrix[0].size()-1

//scan from left to right to fill the height value and the left value

for (int j=0; j<matrix[0].size(); j++)


if (matrix[i][j]=='1')













//scan from right to left to fill the right value

for (int j=matrix[0].size()-1; j>=0; j--)


if (matrix[i][j]=='1')











return maxResult;



Leetcode:Largest Rectangle in Histogram


The simple solution is easy to figure out, just brute-force all the possibility.

class Solution {


int largestRectangleArea(vector<int> &height) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

int maxArea=0;

for (int i=0; i<height.size(); i++)


int minHeight=INT_MAX;

for (int j=i; j>=0; j--)






return maxArea;



But this will only pass the small data test.It will fail the large data test.

We need to prune some possibility. For example, if m to n is increasing heights, we should only consider the last one as the last part of the maximal rectangle.It means that we should calculate the minHeight from k to n *(the index of n- the index of k) and renew the value of maximal area.The reason why we only consider the last one of the increasing heights  is that the maximal rectangle formed by the  previous one of the increasing height will always be replaced by the latter one. (The maximal area formed before will stretch because of the larger height.)

class Solution {


int largestRectangleArea(vector<int> &height) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

int increaseBegin=0;//标记单调递增的段的起始点

int maxArea=0;

while (increaseBegin<height.size())


int increaseEnd=height.size()-1;//默认单调递增的结束点为整体队列的尾部

for (int j=increaseBegin+1; j<height.size(); j++)


if (height[j]<height[j-1])






int minHeight=INT_MAX;

for (int j=increaseEnd; j>=0; j--)







return maxArea;



Another solution is to use a stack to contain the increasing height and its left width. which means that the height may contains a few original rectangles instead of just one. When we deal with a rectangle whose height is larger than the top of the stack, then we put it into the stack. If the height we deal with is smaller than the top of stack, we pop out all the rectangle in the stacks whose height is larger than the one we deal with now.When we pop out, we need to consider the area formed by the popped out rectangle.(Will the rectangle formed by the popped one can be the maximal rectangle).The reason why we can do these is the same as the solution above.Because the lager height in stack could not make any contribution to forming a maximal rectangle of the latter one.(Because the rectangle with smaller height is in the middle.)

struct HeightInfo


int height;

int leftWidth;


class Solution {


int largestRectangleArea(vector<int> &height) {

// Start typing your C/C++ solution below

// DO NOT write int main() function

stack<HeightInfo> increase;//保存上升高度的栈


HeightInfo tempInfo;




int maxArea=0;

for (int i=0; i<=height.size(); i++)



int dealHeigth;

if (i==height.size()) dealHeigth=0;

else dealHeigth=height[i];

int minHeight=INT_MAX;

int nowWidth=0;


while (increase.top().height>=dealHeigth)







HeightInfo tempInfo;





return maxArea;



LeetCode: Reverse Linked List II

// pseudo code
// ReverseBetween()
// add an empty node H whose next points to head of the list, such that H.next would always be the head of the list.
// locate the m-1th and mth nodes, marked as p1 and p2 respectively. If m = 1, then p1 = H
// repeatedly reverse p2 and p2->next until p2->next reach to n+1th element.

class Solution {
 ListNode *reverseBetween(ListNode *head, int m, int n) {
 ListNode tmp(0);
 ListNode *p1,*p2;
 tmp.next = head;
 head = p1 = &tmp;

// locate m-1th and mth
 for (int i = 0; i < m-1; ++i)
 p1 = p1->next;
 p2 = p1->next;

// reverse p2 and p2->next until p2->next reach n+1th
 for (int i = m; i < n; ++i)
 ListNode *p3 = p2->next;
 p2->next = p3->next;
 p3->next = p1->next;
 p1->next = p3;
 return head->next;